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Owner Services

1. If you are a homeowner who has marketed your property "For Sale" without the response desired:
We encourage you to consider very carefully the many options available to you. Don't settle for a break-even or loss when selling your property. Your home can bring you many benefits through lease or lease/purchase. Please consult with us to review your options.

2. If you own investment property and find your quality of tenants to be minimal, contact us to list your property on our database.
Our tenants are exclusive to us, as we provide in-depth services to assist them in locating the home most suitable for their needs.

3. If you are interested in investing in real estate and would like professional assistance in choosing the right property, we take all the hassle and worry out of real estate investment. We have an investor program which places a tenant in your property prior to purchasing. We also know the preferred property types and can assist you in determining how to PURCHASE PROFITABLY.

4. We offer many choices to Owners:

Phone: (864) 335-9250

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